Thursday, August 27, 2015

The New Testament Prophet: Part 1

A MUST HEAR episode of Untangled is up! What is a New Covenant Prophet? Is there such a thing? Some have been taught that prophets don't exist anymore or that prophecy is the same as teaching. Others have encountered all kinds manipulative, controlling, and cultic practices that have been presented as being prophetic. Loren interviews Dr. Stephen Crosby about his fantastic new book, "The New Testament Prophet: Understanding the Mind, Temperament, and Calling." His book lays out a grace-based and new covenant perspective regarding the function of prophetic ministry in the New Testament era. This isn't a “how to” or “predicting the future” book. Rather, it's about relational wellness and integration AS prophetic people, WITH prophetic people, and AMONG the diversely gifted and configured body of Christ. You can pick up Dr. Crosby's book at

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Predictability: the Killer of Spiritual Growth and Creativity

A new episode of Untangled is up! When people leave systems of religious obligation they often marvel at the rapid spiritual growth that follows. Loren found the explanation of why this is the case from an unlikely place - a video about economic growth. Loren examines how attempts to avoid surprises in the body of Christ stunts spiritual growth and stops creative thinking.